Patient Education Toolkit - 60 Day Free Trial
A 60-day trial of your own personalized Surgical Patient Education Toolkit
with access to the entire ACS Patient Education resources. Over 200 titles are
available to print, display on your website, or deliver electronically to help
patients understand their surgical procedures and better manage their
perioperative care. Titles include the entire surgical prep series -
medications, quit smoking, questions to ask, procedure education, safe pain
control, Home Skills training videos and the Prepare for Cancer Surgery series
as well as patient education from federal government health agencies. You have
control of the titles displayed and can publish you own patient education
content. Your Toolkit can be personalized with your professional practice
information that highlights your surgical expertise.
The free trial will end in 60 days from the point of purchase. At 60 days you
will have the opportunity to purchase the full program. If the purchase is not
made, your site will close and no longer be available. The ACS website contains
all materials for patient viewing.
Review the Terms
and Conditions. By clicking "Add to Cart," you agree to the Terms and
Conditions of the License.
*Additional print brochures and videos for your hospital library
can be ordered separately.