Ostomy Broadcast Rights: Adult Spanish

The American College of Surgeons (ACS) Surgical Patient Education Program offers an Ostomy Home Skills Kit: Aduly Spanish that supports patients by providing education and simulation materials for learning and practicing the skills needed for optimal postoperative recovery. Evaluation of data from the program shows improved patient satisfaction, as well as reduced complications and expenditures. Health care professionals have rated the kits as being effective in preparing patients for self-care and effective in reducing time spent educating patients.

The ACS grants single hospital networks access to broadcast the licensed video program. The standard license includes two Ostomy Home Skills kits—one urostomy and one colostomy/ileostomy kit. Each kit includes one DVD, one booklet, two pouches, measuring guide, scissors, body marking pen, stoma simulator, skills checklist, and additional resource list.View the Adult Ostomy (Spanish) skills programs on the ACS website.

Includes: Video broadcast permission,one DVD, two Ostomy Home Skill kits (one Colostomy/Ileostomy and one Urostomy)*

Broadcast and Duplication Terms and Conditions. By clicking "Add to Cart," you agree to the Terms and Conditions of the License

*Additional Ostomy Home Skills Kits can be ordered separately.

Picture of Ostomy Broadcast Rights: Adult Spanish
(Price includes Domestic USA shipping only)
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