Optimal Resources for Surgical Education and Training

David B. Hoyt, MD, FACS; Ajit K. Sachdeva, MD, FACS; Lewis M. Flint, MD, FACS; J. David Richardson, MD, FACS, Editors.

Optimal Resources for Surgical Education and Training, the “Gold Book,” is the definitive guide to training surgeons of the future. The breadth and depth of the field of surgery has only expanded in recent years and this manual serves as an authoritative reference for surgical education leaders, as well as a roadmap for residency training programs to ensure educational excellence in the training of surgery residents of all specialties. Experts contributed to every chapter, creating a comprehensive overview of each aspect of surgical education. The book covers the optimal theoretical, educational, and practical resources needed to train surgical residents.

This manual is written for surgical faculty and leadership, professional educators, hospital administrators, surgical residents, and anyone involved in surgical resident education and training.

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