AJCC Cancer Staging System: Cervix Uteri Version 9
The new Version 9 Cervix Uteri content is presented in a streamlined,
easy-to-use format, incorporates the 2018 Fédération Internationale de
Gynécologie et d’Obstétrique (FIGO) staging classification, as well as the World
Health Organization (WHO) 2020 Classification of Tumors histology codes.
Physicians, registrars, researchers, and other content users will be benefit
from the updated Cervix Uteri content, including tables, explanatory notes and
Version 9 of the Cervix Uteri Cancer Staging System becomes effective on
January 1, 2021 and replaces the 8th Edition Cervix Uteri cancer site content.
All other disease sites in the 8th Edition Cancer Staging Manual remain current
for 2021.