A Mirror Reflecting Surgery, Surgeons, and Their College: The Bulletin
David Nahrwold, MD, FACS
To celebrate the centennial of the Bulletin of the
American College of Surgeons (ACS), David L. Nahrwold, MD, FACS, has written a history of the ACS member magazine.
“After studying the history of the College and the
content of 100 years of Bulletins,” writes Dr. Nahrwold in the book’s
foreword, “I soon realized that the Bulletin has conveyed
the remarkable story of how the College and its members laid the foundation for our health care system.”
The book covers the history of the magazine through the end of World War II, and illuminates the background, concerns, and personalities of the College’s founders and leaders as they explained and defended their actions
to the members and determined what role the ACS would play in the practice of surgery.